Your Staffing Partner With A Heart

Healthcare Staffing & Recruiting — the easiest way to work & hire

We ensure to meet the needs of your facilities and healthcare workers alike..

  • On-demand workforce for healthcare facilities.
  • Healthcare Workers are empowered to fit life around what matters most.
  • Strategic Solutions to Optimize Workflows & Processes. 

Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc.

Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc. is among the nation’s most prestigious staffing companies. Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc. is a staffing solutions provider within the Healthcare Industry. Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc. provides placement services primarily to facilities who are seeking healthcare workers on full-time, part-time, temporary and per-diem basis for various openings. We are a staffing business that has grown and evolved with the industry through technological advances, economic shifts and the dynamics of a changing workforce. Hiring healthcare workers to fulfill hiring needs is always been a challenging task for employers. Here at Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc., we help our clients with their temporary & permanent staffing needs so their focus can remain on their paitents.

Hiring per-diem staff has proven to be an efficient way of meeting short term requirements within the time frame. At Healthcare Staffing Solutions Provider Inc. we help our clients by providing them with a number of healthcare workers who are happy to work short term assignments. Many of the facilities we work for require Healthcare resources for their daily, weekly and per-diem needs. We have a number of candidates registered with us who actively seek this type of work.

Let Us know How We Can Help You?

job Seekers


Per Diem Staff

Short Term Contracts

Long Term Contracts

Travel Staffing Solutions

Staff For Nursing Homes

Staff For Facilities

Staff For Medical Clinics

Staff For Medical Practices

Staff For Hospitals

Does your hospital need Qualified staff fast? We Can be your immediate & Strategic Solution

Running short-staffed high turnover & inefficient processes breed risk & burnout

Not only does it prevent them from performing their best, but it also deprives patients of the exceptional care they deserve.

We are a network of Certified Healthcare workers who want to work when you need them most, from Per diem supplemental staffing to overtime.

We work closely with your team to fill gaps as an immediate solution and provide process improvement solutions to:

  • Decrease friction and optimize workflow
  • Increase patient safety and satisfaction
  • Make systems more efficient and profitable
We specialize in temporary, contract and permanent placements. The constant challenge faced by hospital nursing supervisors to provide adequate patient care creates the business For Us. Occasionally, We will provide services to other inpatient facilities such as rehab centers, sub-acute and long term care facilities. We Are committed to developing and transforming talent to a facility's values and culture. From the front line to the Healthcare workers, we partner with our clients to transform their faciliy towards excellence. With the help of our exceptional recruiters and consultants, we identify and fulfil the needs of employees and employers to create long-term partnerships.